Sources for Nigerians to Fund their Studies in the UK.

Sources for Nigerians to Fund their Studies in the UK.
Some universities in the United Kingdom in partnership with various private bodies have come up with initiatives to afford Nigerians the rare opportunity to study and obtain a Masters degree in the United Kingdom.

British Government Scholarships: 

This scholarship offers a range of scholarship opportunity for students from Nigeria wishing to study in the UK.


Most scholarships for study in the UK are funded by the British Government and are paid to another government for its students, either directly or through an organisation such as the British Council. Initially you should contact your own Ministry of Education or Education Department, which will have details of most schemes and will also be able to advise you on your own government's conditions for studying abroad. In addition, you should contact the nearest British Council office in your country, which should give you details of relevant scholarship schemes. If there is no British Council office, then contact the nearest British Embassy or High Commission.

The British Chevening Scholarships

British Chevening scholarships are awarded to extremely able students wishing to follow full-time, postgraduate or second degree courses or full-time research in a UK institution. Awards may be for study in any subject field. Preference is given to postgraduates and those already established in a career. Awards, which may cover all or part of the costs, are usually given for formal courses of postgraduate study but may be given for shorter vocational or research courses.


The British Embassy, the British High Commission or the British Council office in your own country, The British Council Chevening Scholar Website

Commonwealth Scholarships

These awards are for citizens of a Commonwealth country (not the Commonwealth of Independent States) or a British dependent territory who wish to undertake postgraduate study or research in another Commonwealth country. Awards for undergraduate study are only made in exceptional circumstances such as when a specific undergraduate scheme is not available in the candidate's own country or regional university. Applicants should be aged under 35 and permanent residents of their country. Grants are for one to three years and usually cover the cost of travel, tuition fees and living expenses. There may, in some cases, be additional allowances for help with books or clothes. An allowance may be paid to help with the cost of maintaining a spouse.

Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
John Foster House 36,
Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PF
Tel: +44 (0)20 7387 8572
The ACU website:

Funding Links

Websites with funding information (external links)

British Council - this site has information about UK courses and qualifications available both in the UK and abroad. It also provides information on the UK's education and training systems. Click here for British Council education specific information.

Funderfinder - an on-line search engine. The website includes lists of Fund-raising Resources and Trusts.

Hobsons - information about postgraduate opportunities to which universities can subscribe and advertise.

Prospects Web - a comprehensive guide to taught courses and research schemes offered by all UK higher education institutions. Also has funding information, and careers advice.

Information for Education - this page offers information about NISS (National Information Services and Systems). NISS provides professionally maintained online information services for the UK education sector.

Nerok.Net - a database of hundreds of scholarships available to students.

AHRB website - the Arts and Humanities Research Board provides funding and support in three programmes: advanced research; postgraduate research and training; and special funding for museums, galleries and collections

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